Study in Slovakia, a Nation of Technological Advancement, Jan 17, 2019 at 12:00 PM

In today’s times you can find some of the world's best universities in Slovakia. There are plenty of top universities in Slovakia which are placed next to some of the biggest international university names. A student has the opportunity to choose from some of Slovakia's best universities' most competitive degrees. Now let’s see what makes Slovakia the best place to start a career in the field of technology. Today the IT industry is one of the fastest-growing economic industries. It hires millions of people worldwide, and keeps growing. In the Slovakia economy, the IT sector plays an important role and has significant potential for the country's GDP growth. Slovakia became an attractive destination for IT investors due to the favorable combination of market advantages IT specialist's average salary is EUR 1800-2000, which is almost 3 times more than the average salary in the country.

The studies at Slovakia are performed at 3 levels:

  • the bachelor degree
  • the engineer or masters program
  • the doctorate degree

Universities offer foreign language education, mainly in the following areas: civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemistry and food science, and architecture. The education system is linked within the context of the international program with the prestigious partner universities, in particular Erasmus.
The main requirement for pursuing a Bachelor's degree program or a blended 2nd-level degree program is to complete high school studies with a "maturita"-school leaving test. Admission to a Master's degree program depends on completing the corresponding Bachelor's degree program. To international students the admission requirements are usually the same as for Slovak citizens.
Holders of a Foreign Baccalaureate follow general requirements for admission to Slovakian higher education institutions. State and public university studies are available to Slovak students and international students from EU countries at no charge. Non-EU students must pay the fees from EUR 2000 to EUR 5000 per academic year.
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