Electrical and Automation Engineering in Finland

ua-networks.com, FEB 13, 2020 at 01:02 PM

The world –leading higher education system in Finland provides English taught Bachelors and Masters Degree programs in 13 Universities and 23 applied sciences Universities. The Finnish system of education is based on trust in teachers and teacher training. The teachers have the power to decide which methods of teaching and materials of learning they want to use. The Finnish society has a positive attitude towards education and teachers are highly educated and strongly committed to their work.

With a Bachelor of Electrical and Automation Engineering you will be able to design, develop and implement new systems and solutions related to electrification and automation for the needs of industry, transport, housing, households and more. Electrical and automation engineers have the necessary skills to develop electrification and automation for smart buildings and industrial production equipment.

A Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Automation engineering composes of several areas:

  • Electrical and automation engineering core competencies include metrology, field knowledge and software technology related to electrical and automation, mathematical methods, physics, and electronics.
  • Technical expertise covers technical processes, techniques and software, modeling methods, selection and dimensioning of equipment and parts, documentation, implementation of specifications, quality structures and solutions to lifecycles.
  • Competence in protection of electrical and equipment requires the core laws, regulations and standards regulating the safety of electrical and equipment.

The value of electrical engineering is constantly increasing as new methods of energy production and consumption are being created for various areas of life and solutions that are less taxing on the environment. Across all industries automation is important. It is used in industrial process monitoring and managing, energy management and process lines. Automation is used in many everyday applications apart from Manufacturing. Automation technology experience includes numerous dimensions, control mechanisms, and modern systems such as programmable controls, PC-control rooms, and distributed automation systems.

By applying electrical and automation technologies to different application areas such as lighting, traffic and lift control as well as robotics, the engineers are able to make use of their knowledge. Electrical engineers are mainly employed in the electrical, telecommunication and the electronics industries and are engaged in the tasks of design, development, research, manufacturing, commercial and management. In addition to Manufacturing, Automation engineers are also working in design and software companies, in importers and in research institutions.

The responsibilities range from product development to design, planning, technological buying and distribution and supervisory duties related to the training and experts. An automation engineers other areas of specialization are computer technology, comprehensive know-how in software as well as economics and know- how in efficiency. UAN platform help you in finding the top universities in Finland which offers Electrical and Automation Engineering programs. Join us and explore the career opportunities in the field.

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