We agree with you that studying online abroad won't replace studying abroad in person. Traveling to another nation is irreplaceable; development is rooted in sights, sounds, growth, interaction, and millions of experiences. So... if the purpose of a virtual study abroad is not to substitute for an in-person experience, then why was it created?

The aim of studying online abroad is to provide students with the opportunity to access the world from anywhere (and all it has to offer). Students will thus literally obtain global experiences, which is one of the most important aspects of this training. This year, when you study online abroad, you will gain valuable knowledge that will significantly contribute to becoming a global citizen and serve you for the long term.

You will have to have access to the possibility of travelling abroad in order for virtual study abroad online to be a restriction. Studying abroad online is investing in yourself, your summer, or your semester to make the most of living in a global pandemic because of the current travel situation. Despite the inability to travel, it is a way of fighting stagnation and investing in foreign education and perspectives. Yeah, it's not going to be the same as travelling abroad, but the more you spend in it, the more it will yield.

Cultural event hosts located around the world host activities such as cooking workshops, art and graffiti trips, international movie nights, and more for other international students. Choose a programme that hosts virtual events. This is a perfect way to get acquainted with new classmates, chat about various aspects of each other's cultures, and get to know each other. You can also learn so much more about the country in which you study. This will make the next experience of travelling even more meaningful.

When studying abroad online, how do you put your very best self to the table? Be Open and inquisitive! This is a beautiful aspect of in-person travel and can be extended to studying abroad online in the same way.

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