ua-networks, August 06, 2018 at 10:00 PM
“The Platforming of Education” as one of the ““Top Ed-Tech Trends.”ming of Education” Every successful portal service company has measured its rate of success with relevance to the user friendly technical platform. UA – Networks has acknowledged its facts and has created a system that strikes a balance between the educators, students, consultants and service providers.
Education Technology or ‘Ed-Tech’ as it has been termed now, is a growing sector. The platforms also come with a series of tools that enable their users to build their own products, services and marketplaces – this is a key to its advantage over business models when it comes to data and other business activities. The technical platform has become the wings that will allow the educational world to fly further and faster than ever before. The technical platform is also used for learning management system for corporate trainings. The technical platform helps the universities to enable the agents and students to have online scheduled meetings for various activities. The technical platform helps in automating the quality check on the students as well in through a proficiency tests and skill tests. The platform also helps in automating the recruitment process for the universities using a set of parameters that you may want to keep. The educational technology serves an excellent means to deliver multimedia and a solid movement towards virtual reality. UAN provides a set of personalized services to the potential universities and institutions through the technical platform.
Technology is also slowly and steadily making a foray in education. Knowledge is no more limited to books and the use of platforms such as websites, apps, videos, live chats, etc., have taken it to another level. One of the biggest benefits of training via digital resources is that educators and agents can now engage with their educators like never before. Technology in education opens up a huge world of possibilities as to how we convey, share and engage with students and agents presenting different ideas, facts and theories. It also allows the user to access the agent activities in different target locations across the globe and take the essential measures to improve their resources utilized.
The platform helps to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” – which has the largest footprint in education. The universities can access the UAN services in setting up new admission offices in the global markets. Through the technical platform UAN provides a set of personalized services to the potential educators and agents. We at UAN, bring in a complete business management solution for the agent that ties into the agent service section of the portal.
To sum it up, the UAN platform is designed to leverage international education recruitment expertise and exposure to the market.