Which is better: Marketing or PR?

ua-networks.com, MAR 17 2021 at 04:23 PM

It's important to recognize the difference if you're looking for a graduate career in PR or marketing. These two fields, although closely related, have somewhat different roles. So, we're going to discuss the definition of these words and see how they are used in use within the working environment to help you determine whether marketing or PR is the path you want to take.

The umbrella word that includes ads and PR is marketing. All of these strategies concentrate on promoting knowledge of a product, service or individual. Many businesses have their own marketing team that complements other areas of the company, such as sales and merchandise. A marketing job requires identifying the target audience and using various marketing practices to communicate with this community in order to support whatever the organization is trying to sell. As a professional, you should expect your starting salary to be between GBP 18,000 and GBP 22,000 as a marketing executive. This will grow to GBP 30,000 per year with experience. With many years of experience, senior marketing executives will receive between GBP 30 000 and GBP 45 000. You can receive anything from GBP 60,000 or GBP 100,000 if you commit to marketing and become a manager. Of course, depending on the nation and industry, these figures will differ.

The main purpose of PR or public relations is to raise awareness within the media of a brand, person, product or service. The final objective is to improve revenue through user interaction in a marketing role, while PR is all about gaining positive press attention and enhancing the credibility of a brand or consumer. Basically, as is the case with ads, PR aims to gain visibility and add value to a brand without having to push sales. Starting wages of GBP 18,000 to GBP 24,000 can be earned by PR officers, while senior PR officers can earn GBP 25,000 to GBP 40,000. Depending on the type of firm or brand, PR directors can earn up to GBP 100,000 per year.

It's not really that marketing is better or worse than PR, as you can see, but they have just slightly different objectives. It really relies on what you find most attractive and where your abilities are most important. You should think more about choosing a path and career to suit your personality if you're not sure about which route to take. Join UAN for a better understanding to your career goals.

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