ua-networks.com, MAR 24 2021 at 12:42 PM

Do I need a good grade to study abroad? The answer depends on the place you study. It is obviously very important that you speak good English if you are going to take up an English taught program. By taking a TOEFL or IELTS test you can prove your English skills. You can start with a preparatory program is another option if you need some help to prepare for your higher education. These programs are usually 12 months long and include various topics that will help any student come up to the mark with the curriculum for Bachelors/Masters programs. Key topics such as maths are often important as many major areas such as programming, engineering, and economics need it, so some schools even test their students when they arrive to see what courses they can take.

Some universities are stringent in their selection process and typically some study programs require a good grasp of certain subjects in order to specialise in the field. In such situations students with higher grades have better chances of enrollment to universities. That being said, not all programs/universities have such criterias. If your grades are not on the higher end of the spectrum, research and choose programs that accept your current academic profile. Europe has many universities and an unlimited list of programs for both Bachelors & Masters that you can choose from.

But it's not all your grades. Even with A's straight, if you can't deliver a good portfolio, you might not be enrolled in a prestigious school. At the same time, it would be very good to accept a student with medium but a good portfolio. Many schools require students to submit a portfolio with their application for main subjects. Schools often request a personal letter or reference letters, which also influence whether or not you are accepted.

Make sure you make efforts and submit everything the school requires. The safest way to be adopted is to submit a complete application, respective of your ratings. It’s not all about grades so don’t be disheartened and make your best efforts. Ensure you have the right people guiding you in the process and verify all the information before starting the process.

With unlimited resources and study options in our panel we at UAN can offer the best options for your students. So what are you waiting for? Talk to us today and get started on recruiting students to top institutes in Europe right away!

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