Studying abroad is really life-changing, and you should take advantage of the opportunity. Now that you've returned after your studies, it's time to make the most of your newfound knowledge. Studying abroad introduces you to new people and ideas, which is a massive plus for employers in today's global society.

If you graduated from an international programme, you can easily include the information in your resume's education section. It can be more difficult to decide when and how to indicate on your resume if you studied abroad for several months but did not receive a degree. Many students also list their study abroad experience under education. If your programme was more applicable to those terms, you can also list it under job experience or volunteer experience.

Work experience can be gained through a part-time internship or job. If you have ever volunteered in some way, make sure to provide that information as well. Employers’ value qualities such as the ability to interact with people from other cultures or the ability to learn a foreign language, and showcasing these will help you stand out from other work applicants. It's also a good topic to bring up during interviews.

If you can bring up your study abroad experience in a work interview without looking awkward, go for it! You should bring up your study abroad experience if employers inquire about your qualifications, but you should also use anecdotes from your study abroad experience in other parts of the interview. Perhaps you could offer examples from your time abroad when they inquire about your strengths.

When they inquire about a time when you overcame an obstacle, you might also tell them about an anecdote from your travels. But don't go overboard; all of your anecdotes must be applicable to the position you're applying for. Keep the amusing tales from your travels for your mates! © 2016-2017| All Rights Reserverd